Monday 37

July 27, 2009

I can’t believe the summer is moving so quickly; well, the weekends are at least.

I haven’t really been active as of late with my blog, I’ve been busy trying to pack and get ready to move. I might make a blog topic out of moving… Just a bunch of stuff going on, nothing specific or blog worthy. Sorry.

I hit my monthly quota over at Platform Nation; which is good, now I can focus on moving 🙂

I saw True Blood last night… Yeah, I dunno about that show sometimes. I’m going to keep a CLOSE eye on that series.

How is your summer going? did you go anywhere exciting? like Hawaii ? feel free to talk about it here.

lookout for me on Twitter, I tend to type random things over there that aren’t “blog-worthy”

Monday 36

July 20, 2009

Well, it’s summer time…

I started a “Tales from the Cuckoo’s nest”  series on my blog last week. Anytime something “unique” happens at work, there should be a blog following. Here’s part 1, and part 2. I almost feel like i’ve come full circle with this blog.

Moving day is getting closer… I need to increase my packing efforts, I promised my friends that everything would be packed and ready to go the day of. I’m still churning out articles over at Platform Nation, and I really do enjoy it and hopefully I can continue my efforts with them.

The weekend went pretty quickly. I saw True Blood on Sunday… I’m not gonna ruin it for anyone that missed it but… No, Mary-Anne you DIDN’T tell me that.

The series is starting to really pick up the pace; there are so many things to keep track of. What’s YOUR favorite “new discovery” for the season ??

Monday 28

May 25, 2009

Good Morning.

First my prayers go out to all of the families of fallen soldiers on this Memorial Day. If you have today off, enjoy it and be thankful for those in your family that are in the military and are still alive. Don’t forget to hit a BBQ or 2 up also !

Things you might have missed since Last Week:

  • Instead of reviewing an Album, I asked my fans for their top 5 rappers. It’s not too late for yours.
  • I talked about my trip across the state to check out a potential city of residence.
  • There was a “Points Scandal” at a local Psiette event that I had to speak about; and my life was threatened at this same event.
  • I talked about all the wonderful things that happened on my Birthday.

You might have missed a few of those topics because the last 3 were all done on Friday. Take the time to go through them and comment. I also wrote two articles for Platform Nation. One article was about Kingdom Hearts for the DS, and the other was for Monster Hunter for the PSP. It is important that you guys not only read the articles and tell your friends about them, but you should definitely leave comments. The more popular articles on the site gets the author more opportunities… so please help your neighborhood blogmaster out.

Wedding Details

Well, as I promised, Today is the day I officially release the wedding date to the public. If you were able to figure it out two weeks ago, congratulations you deserve an extra pat on the back. Everyone else, maybe next time.

As of now, the wedding will be held… in Miami, Fl. We aren’t sure of the colors yet; Actually, I’m not sure if I’m OK with the colors picked out yet, I’m working on it.

We’ve decided we are only inviting 200 people. The Bridesmaids and Maid of Honor have already been picked. I’ve got a best man in mind, but I haven’t officially asked him. I’m still working on Groomsmen…

I’m not sure how we’re only going to select 200 186 people (I forgot to take out the bridal court); which is roughly 93 people each. That’s going to be rough for me especially… I have 8 – 11 siblings depending on who you ask… subtract 2 parents and now I’m down to at most 80 people I can personally invite. I’m going to go ahead and start forming a list of people who want to come… feel free to comment here or send me an email so I can take you into consideration. Unfortunately, there are no automatic bids in this BCS race; I will have to sit down and evaluate everyone fairly.

I guess the last thing for me to mention is the date.

Are you sure you don’t want to go figure it out?

You sure?

I mean, it is RIGHT there at the bottom


Let me just take a moment to thank all the people out there who made this possible… No, i’m just kidding.

The date of this union in matrimony will be September 4, 2010.

** no secrets here**

and that’s all I have for today; I really want to take this time to thank all of my readers new and old. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t think I would have kept this blogging thing up. You people are my motivation (I couldn’t resist, sorry). Keep telling your friends about this site, and as always I’m willing to listen to ideas on how I can improve.

Monday 27 *updated*

May 18, 2009

It’s the Monday before my Birthday.

Here’s what you might have missed since last week:

That was about it. There should be tons more but alas, I’m not allowed to do much from my computer at work… M. Bison and co. forbids it.

I should take this time to mention that if you missed the “Big News” in my blog from Last Monday, I strongly suggest you reread it. I’ve heard some people say the secret was easy to find, some people say it was way too hard, and some people still can’t find it…

There will be times where I will hide things in my blog. I do it for fun, and I do it to give you something to do other than skim through it. If you still haven’t figured out the big secret; I’ll formally announce it Next Monday.

For some reason, Our Desktop has stopped working. Of course by “ours” I mean Mrs. Blogmasters. She has no idea what she’s done to it, or what she “didn’t do” she just knows it isn’t working. I gave it a pretty thorough examination; I don’t like what I need to do to fix it, but I’m out of ideas.

I’m currently waiting to hear about a possible opportunity to be a “Intern Blogger” for a video game website. I was hanging out on Twitter one day when I heard about this opportunity. I took the necessary steps, and hopefully I’ll get chosen. Even if I don’t, I’m glad that I’ve given it a chance.

Things to look forward to this week (hopefully):

  • My travels across the state
  • Audio Crack featuring Eminem’s New album
  • An official “Birthday Blog”
  • My first week back to work. (by suggestion of Mrs. Blogmaster)

And that is all I have for this week; For now at least. I’ll try to sneak in the “One Fresh Stir-Fry” Password of the week later on today.

** This Just in ** 

Say “Quesadilla my way” @ One Fresh Stir-Fry this week for a free topping. I don’t think I need to remind you all, but this place is a GREAT place to eat; So great a place that they don’t even know that I’m giving them free publicity !!!

A special “Sak Passee to all of my Favorite Haitians as today is “Haitian Flag day