Monday 33

June 29, 2009

I don’t even know WHERE to start honestly…

First: Prayers for the families of ALL the celebrities who passed over the weekend. No matter your opinions of the people who passed, they were human and they had families. Let’s respect that.

Second: I happened to catch the BET Awards Last night (True Blood was on the bedroom TV) and my first question:  WHAT is UP with this new fashion trend?

“let me wear my jeans 2 sizes too small THEN wear them below my butt so everyone can see my boxers… ”


I’m sorry, but I like having my jeans at my waist… but maybe that’s just me.

Also, why is it when artists sing LIVE they seem to have problems? Lead singer Pleasure P sounded HORRIBLE…

I had to fight with a thunderstorm last night so I ended up losing my reception for a good portion of the night. When I finally got my reception back, I didn’t care anymore and just decided to see the replay later on this week. Actually, I did manage to catch the Jamie Foxx/ Ne-Yo performance of “I’ll Be There” that I felt like was the best tribute of the evening

Last Thursday was the Bowling for Diabetes event. I must say, I had fun; I didn’t quite get that 100 that I was aiming for, but two scores of 93 is good enough for me. I think i’m going to need my own shoes and ball…

We ended up playing boys vs. girls the first game was a tie: 495-495.

The 2nd game, the boys pulled away with the victory (or the girls choked)

Naturally a rematch WILL be held at a later date and time.

I’m in the process of finishing my review for a game that I got from Platform Nation (for free) I’ll let you know when it’s ready to go.

That’s about it for now. I want to Thank everyone for your support, and remind you to love your family, and friends. If you have friends you lost touch with for petty stuff, get back in contact with them, that phone call, text, facebook message, tweet could be a ray of sunshine during a cloudy time for them.


February 27, 2009

First off, I just want to say Thank you to Fish #5

Today, I received Part 2 of my gifts. 

I first received a Hand-Made Pillow (that will NEVER be used; I’m putting it somewhere safe)

and a Friendship bracelet !!! 

Personally, I’m concerned that there are flowers in my bracelet… makes it awkward to wear =/ 

but besides that; I love it. 

Thank You again for the gift :). It was an honor and a gift in itself to “give advice” to all 12 10 9 of you Intelligently Lovely Ladies whenever I could. Not gonna lie, we  had some fun.