Monday 27 *updated*

It’s the Monday before my Birthday.

Here’s what you might have missed since last week:

That was about it. There should be tons more but alas, I’m not allowed to do much from my computer at work… M. Bison and co. forbids it.

I should take this time to mention that if you missed the “Big News” in my blog from Last Monday, I strongly suggest you reread it. I’ve heard some people say the secret was easy to find, some people say it was way too hard, and some people still can’t find it…

There will be times where I will hide things in my blog. I do it for fun, and I do it to give you something to do other than skim through it. If you still haven’t figured out the big secret; I’ll formally announce it Next Monday.

For some reason, Our Desktop has stopped working. Of course by “ours” I mean Mrs. Blogmasters. She has no idea what she’s done to it, or what she “didn’t do” she just knows it isn’t working. I gave it a pretty thorough examination; I don’t like what I need to do to fix it, but I’m out of ideas.

I’m currently waiting to hear about a possible opportunity to be a “Intern Blogger” for a video game website. I was hanging out on Twitter one day when I heard about this opportunity. I took the necessary steps, and hopefully I’ll get chosen. Even if I don’t, I’m glad that I’ve given it a chance.

Things to look forward to this week (hopefully):

  • My travels across the state
  • Audio Crack featuring Eminem’s New album
  • An official “Birthday Blog”
  • My first week back to work. (by suggestion of Mrs. Blogmaster)

And that is all I have for this week; For now at least. I’ll try to sneak in the “One Fresh Stir-Fry” Password of the week later on today.

** This Just in ** 

Say “Quesadilla my way” @ One Fresh Stir-Fry this week for a free topping. I don’t think I need to remind you all, but this place is a GREAT place to eat; So great a place that they don’t even know that I’m giving them free publicity !!!

A special “Sak Passee to all of my Favorite Haitians as today is “Haitian Flag day

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