Dear Autumn

November 9, 2009

Where do I begin…

First, I want to Apologize for neglecting you all for such a long time. There has been a lot on my plate. With Joining a Fraternity, getting ready to get married, working, going to weddings, birthday parties… I’ve just been SO busy.

It is with regret that I must tell you this… I will be taking an extended break from the blog writing. I’ve barely had time for Platform Nation, and they have been so patient with me. I just need time to refocus, and figure out what kind of blog I want to bring to the world.

I don’t want to sell out and talk about celebrity gossip, and I don’t want to spend my whole time yelling at people, or bringing other people down. However, I want to entertain I want people to tell people about my blog… I want this blog to be successful.

There are TONS of things that I could have spoken about, but I just can’t; not right now. You the readers deserve the best of me, every time I decide to post. Right now, I can’t provide you with that.

So with that, I bid you all a temporary farewell… Who knows I might put a post or two up from time to time.



D. Blogmaster


Monday 40

August 31, 2009

Hey Everybody.

I’m not all the way back to blogging on a regular schedule yet, but I’m getting there.

not too much to report right now other than one of my favorite Game Franchises God of War will be releasing a collection that will have a remastered in HD, Trophy-enabled version of the first two games of this series. The game will sell for $40 this Holiday season, and I’m really thinking of buying it, even though I have WORKING copies of them for the PS2.

Yes, they work with my PS3, because I was smart impatient enough to get one of the Backward-Compatible models when they first released. Oh, I did a Mini-article over at Platform Nation to spread the news to the gaming world. I’m still having fun writing for those guys, I just need to start looking for articles/game review opportunities so I can continue to get my name out there.

The True Blood Season Finale will be on September 13, 2009 @ 9pm. They are going to give everyone a chance to get caught up with the last 3 episodes September 6,2009. From the previews, this season finale is going to be epic !!!

I noticed that MellownMighty has made a small return to the blogging world, go check out her site.

This week get a free side salad from OneFresh Stir-Fry when you say “Listen or Loose”. There’s a story behind it…

College Football Season, is around the corner. This will be the first time in 3-4 years where I won’t be getting up @ 7am to work for the G&G crew (love the new web site guys !!!)  I miss them already; I might have to make a special appearance during a game day just to cheer them on.

I want to take this time to ask all of you out there to send a special prayer out to the family of my Fairy DogMother. She’s going through some things with her family, and can use all the prayers she can get.

That’s about it for now guys… Until next time !!!

Motivate, Educate, Elevate

August 26, 2009

Wow, has it really been that long ???

I know you all miss me, and that’s OK, because I missed you guys too.

It’s been a busy two weeks, with wrapping up the Miami trip, and working on a few side projects I haven’t had time to really sit down and give my blog the attention it deserves. I’m not all the way back up to speed yet; I’m in the process of working on some articles for Platform Nation, and fixing a few computers… so give me a few weeks, and I will be all yours again. I promise.

I will talk about this one thing that bothered me last weekend.

I happened to make my way out to the N. Florida Fairgrounds for the back to school drive that was happening out there. I was checking out all the booths and there was one that especially caught my eye.

There was a row of inflatables and there was one that was an obstacle course. There were a bunch of kids lined up and running sprinting flying through these courses. However, these children are not the focus of today’s concern watch.

No, today it is the PARENTS of these children who get my side-eye. For some reason, these parents were under the impression this was the NFL combine. Now, i am all for some friendly competition, but those parents were on another level. It was like the parents were trying to relive their “glory days” through their kids, or worse, turn them into a meal ticket.

These parents were giving tips, shouting, yelling, threatening to not speak to them, and all sorts of things. It only got worse if the child lost; they instantly disowned their kids. Especially if a boy lost to a girl; I saw GROWN men who threatened boys to not lose to girls… I understand the mentality, but there are some fast girls out there, what can you do ? *snickers*

From what I saw, there was NO prizes being given to the winner, no trophies, no promise of a College Scholarship NFL contract or endorsement deal. It was just regular fun. I won’t lie, there were some FAST kids out there, but that doesn’t justify the behavior of the parents. Sometimes, parents have to let the kids have “fun”.

Motivate, Educate, and Elevate… I actually agree with him. Everyone is NOT going to get a contract/endorsement deal to play for your favorite professional team… SOMEONE has to record the game, SOMEONE has to be the doctor for the team, SOMEONE has to be the lawyer for the team to keep the players out of legal issues…

*Thanks to Princess Banana for the link !!!*

I was also concerned because there were parents out there who didn’t practice wisdom; if your child is of a certain height, weight, or size that doesn’t seem “appropriate” for the obstacle course… be a PARENT and let them know it isn’t for them. I cannot tell you how many times I saw children too big for the course struggle to get through the starting hole, or climb up the hills. Then there were the children too small to climb into the hole and were “boosted” in by their parents… THEN there were the kids who were too young, and started crying when they couldn’t overcome the obstacle.  Then to make matters worse, there were parents who tried to force their kids into finishing the course regardless of the tears or physical incapability.

— OK, I need to stop now… I already see where this is going. All I will say is this: There is nothing wrong with wanting to motivate your children for greatness, there is something wrong with pushing them for your own personal gain (Yes, I AM looking at you Mr. Jackson)

Stranger in the 305

August 13, 2009

Captains Log: Star date 81309923.

So, I made it down to Miami safely yesterday. It was like a 7hr long directors cut of “The Fast and The Furious: Miami Speedway” Seriously, I think I drove at 90 an appropriate, legal speed while there were people around me flying at 90mph.

As I lay here and type this there were things I instantly noticed about Miami.

1. people can’t drive/ drive suicidally. I saw people switch lanes with only a car length of space; I counted 45 near accidents on my way here.

2. the street names? I shouldn’t have to pass SW 93 st, ave, ct, pl  THEN see SW 94th… I propose Miami gets their streets renamed, immediately.

3.We met the planner, she’s amazing. Yes, she lives way down in Miami, but it was totally worth it. I was so happy to listen to her speak with her oh so perfect Jamaican accent. It didn’t sound like Ms. Cleo, or any other negative stereotype, but sounded genuine. I hope I was paying attention to WHAT she was saying instead of how it sounded…

and to top it off, she gave us mangoes !!! I hope they don’t show up in her fees…

Anyways, You should check her out if you want a wedding planned. She’s giving us a GREAT deal on her rate.

We finally made it to our destination, and we were greeted by 3 adorable girls (and by we, I mean she) as we hung out and ate chocolate cake, I was given the opportunity to gaze into the past of my fiancée.

She hasn’t changed. You could tell by the photos that her feisty-ness  was developed and cultivated at a young age…

Today there are a few things we are going to try and do while we’re here… unfortunately, the list of places to go a few friends of mine sent me won’t be completed.