Graduation BCS Intro

January 29, 2009

As many of you know, I Love College football. I love it to the point I started my own online Dynasty with some friends (which by the way is still waiting on the National Championship) 

Today, I recieved an email from FSU today. Pretty much it explained something about graduation, and which website I needed to check out for more information. 

Here’s where things get interesting;

According to my email, everyone gets 6 tickets; and if you need more you can petition for more depending on supply/demand. 


As many of you know (well, some of you) I have a big family. 

How big? 

let’s just say my siblings alone put me at -2 tickets. 


This isn’t including my parents, relatives, or even Mrs. Blogmaster. 

So here’s what I’m going to do; instead of treating the situation like the rest of the sports world and conduct a playoff competition, I’m going to treat this like my favorite sport and have coaches, computers, and members of the press decide who gets to go to the Graduation !

OK, apparently I’m not allowed to do it that way… something about a lawsuit

So,  I will turn to you my voters fans;  who gets to go?

Do I give out automatic bids to my parents?  

Does one sibling get more votes because of a stronger strength of schedule (birth-order) ?

What about Mrs. Blogmaster, do I give her the #1 seed just because ? 

I have an aunt in NY who wants 3 seeds for her conference in NY.

This is going to be fun. 


Don’t forget to send me funny Facebook Statuses that you come across.